Program Support

Program support


McSwigan Family Foundation (2015-present)

We are so grateful for the McSwigan Family Foundation’s longstanding support of our creative education programming for children.

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PA Council on the Arts: Artist in Residence Program (2016-present)

Our Artist in Residence program brings one Pittsburgh-based artist into our unique center to present their work and connect with community members who might never visit a gallery or museum. By bringing working artists into our space, we provide opportunities for reflection and conversation that spark new creative work and expand audiences for local contemporary art.


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The Grable Foundation: Creative Reuse Educator Empowerment Program (2017-present)

Since Summer 2017, Creative Reuse has brought together over 24 educators from early childhood, K-8th grade, community libraries, and juvenile detention centers to participate in a series of hands-on professional development sessions focusing on environmental issues, resource conservation, and creative education. Creative Reuse Staff and Teaching Artists visited participant sites to teach reuse-centered maker programming, working directly with approximately 360 students.

Participants received resource guides created by Creative Reuse Staff as well as free materials and a membership to our ReCreative Partners Program. This program emphasized collaboration between the participating educators and Creative Reuse Staff and Teaching Artists to find authentic and meaningful ways of integrating interdisciplinary environmental, Maker/STEAM, and art-focused learning experiences into the participants’ existing curriculum and programs. We are grateful that we’ll be able to offer the Educator Empowerment Program free of charge to educators again this year with generous support from The Grable Foundation.

Group Against Smog and Pollution: Crafts for Clean Air (2018-2019)

This series of six workshops will covered a wide range of air quality topics, each paired with a related craft. Two workshops were aimed at adults, two specifically for children, and two open to all ages. 

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Climate & Urban Systems Partnership Mini-Grant:
Field Guide for the Future (2018)

This workshop led by our Teaching Artist, Laura Ramie, gave participants the chance to create a creative journal that documents their experience living in the Anthropocene. What is the Anthropocene? It’s the proposed new geologic age brought about by human impact on the planet. These field guides encourage participants to record their thoughts and observations about humans, nature and our changing planet.

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PA Department of Environmental Protection: Free Field Trip Program (2017 – 2018)

The average cost of a Creative Reuse Field Trip and Scavenger Hunt is $150-$170. Thanks to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, we were able to offer 15 free field trips through June 2018. Each field trip visit accommodated up to 30 students and ran for approximately 90 minutes. The visits included a brief history of our organization, a discussion of the impact of reuse on the environment, a tour of our space, and a fun scavenger hunt! Each group also received resource handouts and free materials from our Bulk Section.

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Climate & Urban Systems Partnership: Future, Reuse, and You (2017)

This series of four climate change workshops entitled Future, Reuse, and You” inspired participants to imagine a sustainable future and bring it to life using reclaimed materials. Participants also received resources on sustainability that covered everything from where to take the stuff you don’t want in your life anymore, to where to volunteer if you want to help save the earth.

Want to join this amazing team of support? Visit our donate page!
Contact us to discuss your ideas!

Cammie Brady, Executive Director:

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